The Cards and Tokens
Character Cards – Determine the player’s loyalty. Character cards on the side of Good have Arthur’s sigil on blue background and Evil have Mordred’s sigil on red background.
Hereafter references to a player’s Good or Evil loyalty are denoted with a special front.
Some characters have special powers during the game – Merlin and the Assasin are included in all games and the remaining special character cards are optional.
A player’s character card may not be revealed at any point in the game, nor the character art discussed.
Leader Token – Designates the player that will propose the Quest Team.
Team Tokens – Allocate positions on the Quest Team.
Vote Tokens – Approve or reject the Leader’s proposed Quest Team.
Quest Cards – Determine a Quest’s success or failure.
The Resistance: Avalon
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«Сопротивление» в. 8.20
Обладаю таким. Набито контентом, моё почтение. Ещё + игра Queen
Если не сложно расскажи что в этом наборе к обычной игре нового добавили?
Вагон модулей, допов и промок персонажей.
Хотелось бы услышать более развернутый ответ. Так как очень любопытно возможна ли интеграция новых плюшек в старую игру.
Если самому сделать недостающие карты – вполне. По сути добавилось несколько новых ролей, карты событий и новый способ голосования.
Вот только информации очень мало.
Помимо базового наполнения входят следующие компоненты:- Карты успеха и провала ассасина + токены.- Карты магии.- Карты хороших/плохих вестей + токены.- 20 новых карт уникальных ролей (10 добрых и плохих) + их токены.- Карты лояльности (смены стороны).- Карты заговоров.- Токен Владычицы озера, Экскалибура, Команды, Ясновидящего.
Убран токен волшебника из предыдущего издания (доп. кикстартера, не в ретейле), так как это теперь полноценная роль.
Спасибо за ответ. Если есть возможность добавить фотографию всех карт ролей из коробки. Возникла очень простая идея сделать на старые карты новые свойства по средствам бумажек с новым описанием. Нет возможности заказать себе эту коробку(
И что в ней дополнительного помимо обычной версии?
Minion of Mordred1) Assassin – May activate Assassination stage if thee quests succeed.2) Oberon – Unknown to evil. Does not know Evil. 3) Mordred – Unknown for Merlin. 4) Morgana – Appants as Merlin.5) Lunatic – Must fail every quest.6) Brut – May fail only the first tree quest.7) Lancelot – Knows Good Lancelot, or can switch allegiance.8) Messenger – May play evil message.9) Revealer – Reveals loyalty after second failed quest.10) Rogue – May play Rogue fail. Unknown to evil. Does not know Evil.11) Sorcerer – May play Magic. May not play fail.12) Trickster – May lie about loyalty.____________________________________________
Loyal of Arthur1) Merlin – Sees Evil 2) Percival – Knows Merlin.3) Cleric – Secretly investigates the first Leader.4) Lancelot – Knows Evil Lancelot, or can switch allegiance.5) Junior Messenger – may play Good message.6) Senior Messenger – Knows junior Messenger may play good message.7) Rogue – May play Rougue Success.8) Sorcerer – May play Magic.9) Troublemaker – Must lie about loyalty.10) Untrustworthy servant – Appears Evil to Merlin. Knows the Assassin. Can become evil during the recruitment stage.11) Apprentice – Raises one hand during. Goods last Chance, and may raise a second hand after evil is revealed.
Очень много персонажей с прикольными фишками. Тут правда не все только те что удалось найти.
The Resistance. 7.56
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Lady of the Lake Token
Lady of the Lake is a unique token for more advanced play. If used, give this token to the player counter-clockwise of the initial leader in addition to a character. (Remember, Lady of the Lake doesn’t replace a character, so it can be given to either a good or bad player).
At the end of the second mission, the player with the Lady (player one) chooses another player (player two) and forces them to hand over a generic blue or red “alignment” card. Player two must hand over the correct alignment, they cannot lie. However, only players one and two see the card, so either or both may lie about the information to deceive players who did not see the actual alignment card. Then, player two receives the Lady token. At the end of the third mission, the process repeats; player two picks a new player (player three) and has them hand over an alignment card, then player two gives player three the Lady token. At the end of the fourth mission, player three repeats the process one last time.
Players cannot select someone who already possessed the token. Using the above example, players two and three would not be able to have player one reveal himself, and player three also could not select player two.
All in all, the Lady token complicates play and can skew the game in favor of good or evil depending on the players who receive it. Use it to create more hectic sessions.
Rounds of Play
Rounds consist of the group selecting specific players to go on missions. Good players, servants of Arthur, must put in a “success” card when selected for a mission. Evil players, servants of Mordred, can either put in a “fail” or a “success” card. If all players selected for a mission put in a success card, the mission proceeds smoothly and the good side is closer to winning. However, a single fail card will automatically sabotage a mission and give the point to Mordred’s servants instead. If three total missions succeed, the good team wins; if three fail, evil claims victory.
Why would a servant of Mordred put in a “success” card? True, it will help the good players, hindering evil’s chances of winning; however, it can be useful as an attempt to convince others of one’s innocence. And remember, if a fail card comes up, you know for a fact that someone on that team is evil.
Assassin can steal victory by guessing Merlin’s identity
End of the Game
Arthur and Goodness prevail if the team of Good is able to successfully complete three quests without revealing Merlin’s true identity.
Mordred’s dark forces of Evil win when three quests end in failure or are devious enough to force Merlin into the open.
The game ends immediately after either 3 succesful or three failed quests. The evil players win if 3 quests fail and when 5 teams are rejected in a single round.
Assassinate Merlin – Evil’s Last Chance
If 3 quests are completed succesfully, the evil players will have a final opportunity to win the game by correctly naming which of the good players is Merlin.
Without revealing any character cards, the evil players discuss and the player with the assasin character card will name one good player as Merlin.
If the named player is Merlin, then Evil players win. If the evil players do not name Merlin, then the Good players win.
Four additional characters with special powers are available to play. You can play with these cards in any combination that you would like.
Different combinations will make the game harder to win for one the side of the battle or the other. It’s best to add one special character card into a game at a time, adding more or changing when you are familiar with how they play. In most cases, you will want to play with Merlin, but it’s not required.
How Many Players Are Needed?
You’ll need at least five participants to play Avalon. Before the game begins, each player will receive a card determining which side they’re on, good or evil. Make sure to keep this card and knowledge to yourself. The chart below details how many characters will be good and how many evil based on the total number of players.
Some characters have special abilities, but for basic games, it’s recommended for only Merlin on the good side and Assassin on the evil team to utilize their skills. We’ll get to those soon. Most players need only know whether they’re good or evil.
Total Number of Players | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Good (Blue background) | 3 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 6 |
Evil (Red background) | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 |
Merlin learns Mordred’s followers when the game begins.
Team Building Phase
It is a time for great decisions and strong leaders. Not all knights and ladies of Avalon are loyal to Arthur, and yet you must choose only those that are Good to represent him in his quests.
If an open ear and eye is kept, Merlin’s sage advice can be discerned as whispers of truth.
Team Assignment: After appropriate discussion, the leader takes the required number of Team tokens and assigns each team token to any player.
Players | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
1st Quest | 2 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
2nd Quest | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
3rd Quest | 2 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
4th Quest | 3 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
5th Quest | 3 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
The leader can be on the team, but is not required to be so. Note a player may only be assigned one team token.
Discus, Discus, Discus. All the players should participate in helping the leader make the right choice of players to be on the team. Active and logical discusion is a great way to catch Mordred’s agents in their webs of deceit.
Team Vote
after appropriate discussion, the leader calsl for a vote on the team assignments.
The leader is proposing the team – but all the players have a vote in wheter they accept or reject the proposal. The leader can be evil, or one of the players chosen could be a mistake.
Don’t feel that you need to accept all the proposed teams. If you reject the team then a new leader can propose a different team, maybe one without any evil players on it.
Each player, including the leader, secretly selects one vote card. When all players have their selected vote card ready, the leader asks for the votes to be revealed. All vote tokens are flipped over so everyone can see how you voted.
The team is approved if the majority accepts. If the team is approved, play continues in the quest phase.
If the team is rejected (a tied vote is also rejection), the leader passes clockwise and the team building phase is repeated.
Evil wins the game if five teams are rejected in a single round.
Strategy tips: trust no one
If you aren’t confident of every one on the proposed team, then you should strongly consider rejecting the proposal. Rejecting a team is not a sign that you are evil.
A group of skilled players will usually do the vote phase three of more times before agreeing to a team. Watch who approves, and ask them why they approved – sometimes Evil players will approve because they know another evil player was included.
Merlin can also use his voting as a signal, but be careful the evil players will be watching.
Quest Phase
You have debated well and wisely chosen the brave knights and ladies with whom you place your trust.
Now, it is time to measure a person’s true intent and loyalty to the noble cause for which Arthur fights. Be true and goodness will prevail.
The leader passes a set of Quest cards to each team member. Each player on the quest selects a quest card and plays it face down in from of themselves.
The leader collects and shuffles the played quest cards before revealing. The quest is completed successfully only if all the cards revealed are success cards. The quest fails if one fail cards have been played.
The good players must select the quest success card. Evil may select either the quest success or quest fail card.
The 4th quest (and only the 4th quest) in games of 7 or more players require at least two Quest failed cards to be failed Quest.
It’s suggested that two different players shuffle the played and discarded quest cards before revealing.
it’s best to designate a player not on the team to collect all the discarded Quest cards so that it’s clear which cards are played and which are discarded. Shuffle the discarded quest cards.
Indicate a successful quest on the tableau by placing a blue score marker with arthur’s sigil. A failed quest is shown by placing a red score marker with Mordred’s sigil on the tableau.
After the quest has been completed, advance the round marker to the next quest space on the tableau. The leader passes clockwise and the next round begins in the team building phase.
Select the tableau corresponding to the number of players. Place the tableau in the center of the play area with the Score Markers, Team tokens, and Quest cards adjacent to the tableau.
Place the Round markers on the tableau’s 1st Quest space. Given each player a set of two vote tokens.
Randomly select a Leader; the Leader receives the leader token. Use the chart below to determine the number of Good and Evil players.
Players | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Good | 3 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 6 |
Evil | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 |
Suffle the appropriate number of Good character cards and Evil character cards. One of the Good character cards will be the Merlin card, all the others will be just “loyal servant of Arthur’s cards).
One of the evil character cards will be the Assassin card, all the others will be just “minion of Mordred” cards. Deal one card to each player face down.
Each player secretly looks at their assigned loyalty on their character card.
Evil reveals itself and merlin looks into the future
True Evil is rampant in the land. Arthur represents the future of Britain, a promise of prosperity and honor, yet hidden among his brave warriors are Mordred’s unscrupulous miniona.
The forces of Evil are few in number but have knowledge of each other and remain hidden from all but one of Arthur’s servants. Merlin alone knows the agents of Evil, but he must speak of his only in riddles.If his true identity is discovered all will be lost.
After all the players know their loyalty, the leader must ensure that all the Evil players know each other and that Merlin knows all the Evil players by repeating the following script:
- Everyone close your eyes and extend your hand info a fist in front of you.
- Minions of Mordred open your eyes and look around so that you know all agents of Evil.
- Minions of Mordred close your eyes.
- All players should have their eyes closed and hands in a fist in front of them.
- Minions of Mordred – extend your thumb so that Merlin will know of you.
- Merlin, open your eyes and see the agents of evil.
- Minions of Mordred – put your thumbs down and re-form your hands into a fist
- Merlin, close your eyes.
- All players have their eyes closed and hands in a fist in front of them
- Everyone open your eyes.
Starting the Game
Great! Everyone knows their own character. Players should sit in a circle so everyone can face each other. Then, one player (it doesn’t matter who) will give out the following instructions in order. Be sure to pause for at least a few seconds between each statement.
1. Everyone, extend your right arm into the circle and close your eyes.2. Minions of Mordred (evil players) only, open your eyes so you may know each other.3. Minions of Mordred, close your eyes.4. Merlin, open your eyes.5. Minions of Mordred, extend your right thumb into the air so Merlin will know you.6. Minions of Mordred, lower your thumbs, and Merlin, close your eyes.7. Everyone, open your eyes (and you can lower your arms now, of course).
Essentially, what these instructions have done is let the evil players know who each other are without revealing themselves to the good players. Also, Merlin knows the identity of the evil characters, but they do not know who Merlin is. This is Merlin’s special ability: he immediately discovers who secretly serves Mordred. However, Merlin must be careful with this knowledge: at the end of the game, if the evil team can guess which player is Merlin, they can steal the win. More on that later.
The included Approve and Reject Tokens for voting
Voting for Mission Teams
Avalon now truly begins! The player who read the instructions out loud is the first “leader”, who will propose the first mission team. Once the leader has chosen players, everyone in the group will vote on the team using the included “pass” or “reject” tokens.
If a majority of players approve the team, the team members do the mission and each is given a succeed and fail card. These cards are handed face-down to the mission leader, who shuffles them face-down so no one knows who turned in what. They are then revealed to see if the mission succeeded or not (see “Rounds of Play” below for more details). The next mission team will be proposed by the person clockwise to the first team leader.
If a majority of players reject the team, or it’s a tie, the members do not do the mission. Instead, leadership passes clockwise, and the new leader proposes a new team. It’s voted on again, and the process repeats until a team is agreed upon.
Note that if five teams in a single round are rejected in a row, the evil team automatically wins the entire game. Gotta agree on something here, Arthur servants.
The chart below details how many players the leader will propose for a mission, based on which round it is.
Missions with asterisks (*) require two “fail” cards for the mission to fail.
Total Number of Players
Mission 1
Mission 2
Mission 3
Mission 4
Mission 5
An included game board. The two blue tokens indicate successful missions, the red token is a failed mission.