Puerto Rico: брутальный еврогейм


 Корабли США

Эсминцы  II Sampson • II Smith • III Wickes • IV Clemson • V Nicholas • V Hill • VI Farragut • VI Monaghan • VII Mahan • VII Sims • VII Sims B • VIII Benson • VIII Kidd • IX Fletcher • IX Benham • IX Black • X Gearing • X Somers 
Крейсеры  I Erie • II Chester • II Albany • III St. Louis • III Charleston • IV Phoenix • V Omaha • V Marblehead • V Marblehead Lima • VI Pensacola • VI Dallas • VII Atlanta • VII New Orleans • VII Helena • VII Indianapolis • VII Atlanta B • VII Boise • VII Flint • VIII Baltimore • VIII Cleveland • VIII Wichita • VIII Anchorage • VIII Congress • VIII Rochester • VIII AL Montpelier • IX Buffalo • IX Seattle • IX Alaska • IX Alaska B • X Des Moines • X Worcester • X Puerto Rico • X Salem • X Austin 
Линкоры  III South Carolina • IV Wyoming • IV Arkansas Beta • V New York • V Oklahoma • V Texas • VI New Mexico • VI Arizona • VI W. Virginia 1941 • VII Colorado • VII Florida • VII California • VIII North Carolina • VIII Kansas • VIII Alabama • VIII Massachusetts • VIII Alabama VL • VIII Constellation • VIII Massachusetts B • VIII Alabama ST • IX Iowa • IX Minnesota • IX Missouri • IX Kearsarge • IX Georgia • X Montana • X Vermont • X Ohio 
Авианосцы  IV Langley • VI Ranger • VIII Lexington • VIII Enterprise • VIII Saipan • X Midway • X Franklin D. Roosevelt


Япония  I Hashidate • II Chikuma • III Tenryū • III Katori • IV Yūbari • IV Kuma • IV Iwaki Alpha • V Furutaka • V Yahagi • VI Aoba • VII Myōkō • VII ARP Myōkō • VII ARP Ashigara • VII ARP Haguro • VII Southern Dragon • VII Eastern Dragon • VII ARP Nachi • VIII Mogami • VIII Tone • VIII Atago • VIII Atago B • VIII ARP Takao • VIII ARP Maya • IX Ibuki • IX Azuma • X Zaō • X Yoshino • X Kitakami 
СССР  I Орлан • II Диана • II Диана Lima • II Новик • III Аврора • III Богатырь • III Олег • III Варяг • IV Светлана • V Мурманск • V Котовский • V Красный Крым • V Микоян • V Киров • VI Будённый • VI Молотов • VI Адмирал Макаров • VII Щорс • VII Лазо • VIII Чапаев • VIII Таллин • VIII Михаил Кутузов • VIII Очаков • VIII Пётр Багратион • VIII Багратион • IX Дмитрий Донской • IX Рига • IX Кронштадт • X Москва • X Александр Невский • X Петропавловск • X Сталинград • X Смоленск 
США  I Erie • II Chester • II Albany • III St. Louis • III Charleston • IV Phoenix • V Omaha • V Marblehead • V Marblehead Lima • VI Pensacola • VI Dallas • VII Atlanta • VII New Orleans • VII Helena • VII Indianapolis • VII Atlanta B • VII Boise • VII Flint • VIII Baltimore • VIII Cleveland • VIII Wichita • VIII Anchorage • VIII Congress • VIII Rochester • VIII AL Montpelier • IX Buffalo • IX Seattle • IX Alaska • IX Alaska B • X Des Moines • X Worcester • X Puerto Rico • X Salem • X Austin 
Европа  I Gryf 
Италия  I Eritrea • II Nino Bixio • III Taranto • IV Alberto di Giussano • V Raimondo Montecuccoli • V Genova • VI Trento • VI Duca d’Aosta • VII Zara • VII Duca degli Abruzzi • VII Gorizia • VIII Amalfi • IX Brindisi • X Venezia • X Napoli 
Германия  I Hermelin • II Dresden • II Emden • III Kolberg • IV Karlsruhe • V Königsberg • VI Nürnberg • VI Admiral Graf Spee • VI HSF Admiral Graf Spee • VII Yorck • VII München • VII Weimar • VIII Admiral Hipper • VIII Prinz Eugen • VIII Mainz • IX Roon • IX Siegfried • IX Ägir • X Hindenburg 
Великобритания  I Black Swan • II Weymouth • III Caledon • IV Danae • V Emerald • V Hawkins • V Exeter • VI Leander • VI Devonshire • VI London • VII Fiji • VII Surrey • VII Belfast • VIII Edinburgh • VIII Albemarle • VIII Cheshire • VIII Tiger ’59 • VIII Belfast ’43 • IX Neptune • IX Drake • X Minotaur • X Goliath • X Plymouth 
Франция  I Bougainville • II Jurien de la Gravière • III Friant • IV Duguay-Trouin • V Émile Bertin • VI La Galissonnière • VI De Grasse • VII Algérie • VIII Charles Martel • VIII Bayard • IX Saint-Louis • IX Carnot • X Henri IV • X Colbert 
Пан-Азия  I Chengan • VI Huanghe • VIII Irian • VIII Wukong 
Содружество Наций  VI Perth • VI Mysore 
Нидерланды  I Van Kinsbergen • II Gelderland • III Java • IV De Ruyter • V Celebes • VI Kijkduin • VII Eendracht • VIII Haarlem • VIII De Zeven Provinciën • IX Johan de Witt • X Gouden Leeuw 
Пан-Америка  II Almirante Abreu • VII Nueve de Julio

en:Ship:Puerto Rico


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305-мм/50 Mk.8 в башенной установке2,7302484300278900
Боеспособность(HP)Башни главного калибра(шт.)Башни вспомогательного калибра(шт.)Точки ПВО(шт.)Торпедные аппараты(шт.)Вместимость ангара(шт.) (опыт) ()
Puerto Rico71 6504816/26/8
Максимальная скорость хода(уз) (опыт) ()
ЭУ 212 000 л.с.33,5
Увеличение дальности стрельбы(%)Максимальная дальность стрельбы(км) (опыт) ()
Mk10 mod. 118,8

The capital’s biggest mall didn’t open and cruise ships turned away.

Mr. Rosselló’s defiance and decision to remain in office has only fueled protesters to stay in the streets longer. Late on Sunday, demonstrators trapped a group of mayors and lawmakers who had met with the governor, blocking them from leaving until the police intervened. The spontaneous protest took place in the upscale municipality of Guaynabo, a place typically supportive of the governor, signaling that he has few places on the island left on his side.

Ahead of Monday’s march, the biggest shopping mall in San Juan, Plaza Las Américas, announced that it would not open for the day. Some banks also were closed, and university classes were canceled.

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Историческая справка о Puerto Rico

Линейный крейсер проекта CA-2D — один из проектов США, разработанных во времена Второй мировой войны. Являлся самым большим и вооруженным самым большим количеством орудий главного калибра кораблем своего класса. Данный проект является одним из эскизных вариантов, проработанных при проектировании линейных крейсеров типа Alaska.
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The Borinqueneers’ Beginnings

The Borinqueneers are best known for their fighting in the Korean War (1950-53). But the regiment of Puerto Ricans existed half a century before that.

After losing the Spanish American War in 1898, Spain ceded Puerto Rico, Cuba and the Philippines to America. A year later, Congress authorized the U.S. military to form the Puerto Rico Battalion of Volunteer Infantry, comprised mainly of men from its newly acquired territory.

It was incorporated into the regular U.S. Army in 1908. And in 1920, two years after serving in World War I, it became the 65th Infantry Regiment.

During WWII, its soldiers won a Distinguished Service Cross, two Silver Stars and 900 Purple Hearts for combat in Europe. But it was their impressive maneuvers in an Atlantic Fleet joint training exercise for the Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force, back home in Puerto Rico after the war, that propelled the 65th to Korea’s front lines.

On the way, the soldiers took the nickname Borinqueneers.

President Trump called the governor ‘terrible.’

“The people of Puerto Rico like me, but the leadership is corrupt and incompetent,” Mr. Trump said during an appearance at the White House with the prime minister of Pakistan on Monday.

The president warned that leaders in Washington were wary of sending aid to Mr. Rosselló’s administration — a reason some members of the governor’s own party have cited to demand his resignation.

“The senators are not happy about it, and Congress is not happy about it,” Mr. Trump said.

Even though many Puerto Ricans agree that their government is flawed, they tend to consider Mr. Trump’s criticism offensive.

The president cited his experience holding the Miss Universe pageant twice on the island as evidence that he has “many Puerto Rican friends.”

“I have a real understanding of Puerto Rico,” he said. “I’m the best thing that ever happened to Puerto Rico.”

An Affront to Puerto Ricans

Investigators pointed out that the commanders who had court martialed the Puerto Rican soldiers had on other occasions opted not to prosecute white soldiers for abandoning the battlefield. Rather than use the moment to reform the 65th or fix certain practices, commanders chose to punish the battalion.

The probe also highlighted a double standard in how commanders treated and evaluated Puerto Rican officers and white officers and other instances of ethnic or racial prejudice in the Army’s command structure.

For cultural historian Silvia Alvarez Curbelo, the court martials that tarnished the 65th’s reputation were not seen on the island as isolated cases of discrimination. Rather, they posed an affront to Puerto Rican identity as U.S. citizens at a time when the island was ascendant, having elected its first governor four years earlier, had just ratified its constitution that year, and was close to ending a five-year wave of mass migration to the U.S. mainland.

The Congressional Gold Medal was presented in honor of the 65th Infantry Regiment.

“The Puerto Rican soldier performance was also an affair of dignity…a mixture of pride, courage, bravery, self-respect and patriotism,” says Alvarez Curbelo, a professor of communications at the University of Puerto Rico.

That’s why soldiers still alive today say that true redemption is important—not just to clear their own names, but for Puerto Ricans to collectively remember the sacrifices made. During the Korean War, also known as the “Forgotten War,” some 61,000 Puerto Ricans served in the U.S. Army, 48,000 of them recruited on the island. With 743 dead and 2,318 wounded, Puerto Rico suffered one casualty for every 660 inhabitants, more than double the rate for the continental U.S.

Norberto Rivera, a Borinqueneer who survived the Kelly Outpost bloodbath, told Aquí y Ahora he welcomes the Congressional Medal of Honor as a salve to those days he remembers with much nostalgia and pain.

“I think the credit, the recognition, should go to those men who never made it back home,” Rivera said.

Public Blowback Prompts an Internal Investigation

The Army tried to keep the court martials quiet, but soldiers’ homebound letters and the local press blew the story open in January 1953. Puerto Rico’s government, Congress and the public demanded answers.

Army officials told Congress that the rotation of new, inexperienced soldiers and officers into the regiment—and their inability to speak English—led to the failures and court martials. Secretary of the Army Robert Stevens used the point about the language barrier to justify pardoning all those convicted, overturning their sentences and reinstating them in the Army.

A subsequent internal investigation listed many other problems, including inept leadership, a severe ammunition shortage and military tactics that needlessly increased casualties. The 65th suffered 806 casualties in just those two months defending and attempting to retake the strategically questionable Kelly and Jackson Heights outposts.

The investigation also blamed “a command environment guilty of ethnic and organizational prejudice,” both on and off the battlefield.

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Во второй слот имеется возможность установки «Поисковая РЛС Мод. 1» для увеличения длительности данного снаряжения

Поисковая РЛС












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Во второй слот имеется возможность установки «Заградительный огонь Мод. 1» для увеличения длительности данного снаряжения

Заградительный огонь







The governor has said he will serve out his term.

Mr. Rosselló, whose term runs through 2020, said on Sunday that he would not seek re-election, but also that did not intend to resign. But some politicians have spoken of impeaching him, and legislative leaders have asked a panel of jurists to issue a recommendation on whether to pursue impeachment charges.

One complication is that Puerto Rico has no lieutenant governor to take his place. The island’s secretary of state is supposed to step in as acting governor when needed, but that post is currently vacant — and the power to fill it belongs to Mr. Rosselló, though his nominee would have to be approved by the island’s legislature. Leaders of the governing New Progressive Party are scrambling to find a candidate.

If there is no secretary of state, the governorship would go next to the secretary of justice, Wanda Vázquez Garced, but powerful legislative leaders from her party do not seem interested in having that happen.

Frances Robles and Alejandra Rosa reported from San Juan, and Patricia Mazzei from Miami.

Public Shaming and Mass Court Martials

But in the fall of 1952, the unit’s fortunes changed. Chinese troops launched major offensives against two U.S.-held outposts defended, in part, by the 65th: Outpost Kelly in September and Jackson Heights a month later. The Borinqueneers suffered heavy casualties. Dismal troop morale sank further.

After the carnage at Outpost Kelly, unit commanders cut the Puerto Ricans’ rice and beans rations, stripped the Borinqueneers nickname off the unit’s vehicles and had a soldier hang a “I Am A Coward” sign around his neck. They ordered the men to shave their mustaches until they could prove they were “real men” in battle.

Deeply insulted and facing what most thought was a suicide mission, dozens of soldiers refused orders to retake the Jackson Heights outpost. The Army quickly court martialed and convicted 91 of them for desertion and disobeying orders in December. All were dishonorably discharged. Sentences ranged from one to 16 years of confinement at hard labor.

“They treated us…like we were worth nothing,” Raúl Reyes Castañeira, the youngest of four brothers who followed their father’s footsteps into the 65th Infantry, told Univision’s Aquí y Ahora newsmagazine show. “And we were giving our lives. So many young men there just dying. It was terrible.”

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