Обзор игры «Ingenious Challenges»

About inGenious

inGenious projects focus on real-life challenges brought forward by companies, public bodies or civil organisations.

Real-life challenges are not only worth solving because of economic or societal leverage, they also provide a stimulating environment for in depth disciplinary learning, experimenting with problem-solving skills and innovative competences to develop practical solutions.

Nowadays challenges from industry and/or the public sector require increasingly complex contributions from people with very different backgrounds. That’s why inGenious works with multi-disciplinary teams.

A typical inGenious project requires some 3 to 6 months intensive collaborative work for a team of 3 to 5 students. And you could be one of them!

Featured inGenious Challenges

Smart Transport in Rurban Regions

‘Rurban’ Regions appear to be underserved when it comes to leveraging modern technology to cope with typical challenges these regions are facing. In Rurban Regions typically more densely populated settlements and cities are ‘loosely’ dispersed in rural areas. Many of these challenges are directly related to declining social, economic, and environmental well-being in combination with socio-demographic developments like a greying society and wishes of youngsters to move to larger cities.


Energy Transition to abandon fossil gass for domestic heating & cooking (I)

In the Netherlands there is a widespread domestic use of natural gas, primarily for heating and cooking. This results from the fact that the Netherlands have very rich fossil gas resources which are exploited since the 1960-ies. Because of problems with gas extraction and the national ambition to reduce CO2 emissions, the national government decided that domestic use of fossil gas must be abandoned. As of 2018/2019 all communities work on a plan for sustainable and affordable domestic heating.



Innovation in health care resulted in increasing life expectancy in our society. In parallel, the number of chronic illnesses and vulnerable elderly also increases, leading to more admissions to hospital. After treatment, people will stay some more days in hospital to recover and are then expected to return home for further rehabilitation. This process brings extra burden to scarce healthcare professionals and ever increasing costs for society.Innovative solutions are needed to handle this.


Energy Transition to abandon fossil gass for domestic heating & cooking (II)

In the Netherlands there is a widespread domestic use of natural gas, primarily for heating and cooking. This results from the fact that the Netherlands have very rich fossil gas resources which are exploited since the 1960-ies. Because of problems with gas extraction and the national ambition to reduce CO2 emissions, the national government decided that domestic use of fossil gas must be abandoned. As of 2018/2019 all communities work on a plan for sustainable and affordable domestic heating.


The Next generation Solar Household System

The unit needs to be placed indoors, inside of people’s homes. It therefore needs to fit in and preferably be an appreciated part of the furnishings. Now, it is a practical unit with useful features. Can it be improved? Can it be more than just a power source? Can it have several positive impacts and applications?

Circular transformation for the resource efficient society

In less than two hundred years, exploitation of the earth’s resources has increased dramatically, as have emissions of greenhouse gases, mainly from use of fossil fuels. This exploitation has led to that the humans consume more resources than the earth can regenerate and that the climate change is a fact. The greatest challenge for the future is to re-create a resource-efficient society. We must move from linear to a circular economy.


What are the possibilities to participate?

To participate in the inGenious community, please register

To contribute to a specific challenge, you have to ‘apply for a position’  in a project team. Each challenge will have a specific period in which it is open for application. Each university, will have specific requirements and offers for students to participate. Check to know more.

The facilitator of the challenge is in charge of forming a team and making additional arrangements with the team members whenever necessary. After that, the team can start working and will follow there specific pathway towards delivering their result.

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